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Scotland's orchestration of innovation: Enabling infrastructure

EHTEL’s new series of webinars on digital health-related  local markets and local trends  in EHTEL members’ countries and regions began on 7 September 2023. The event was attended by 42 people, of whom half were EHTEL members and half were guests. Many came from Scotland, other European countries like Denmark and Italy, and other United Kingdom (UK) home countries like Wales: they represented a mix of governmental and digital health authorities, industry, and individual patients.

The speakers in the first webinar were from Scotland,  and they focused on two aspects of  innovation and innovation hubs: “Scotland’s orchestration of innovation: Enabling infrastructure”. 


Scotland has got great expertise in improving and innovating in health and social care. It tackles all the key challenges at stake in service delivery. Among the approaches are co-design, co-development and co-delivery, and the provision of end-to-end support. It works with a very large community of teams and partnerships. Much of its work focuses on a test bed infrastructure  â€“ a platform for testing approaches, tools, and technologies.

Who were the speakers?

Marc Lange welcomed attendees the trends in local markets webinar series. He outlined EHTEL’s role as a collaboration platform on digital health, and how its webinar series can offer an opportunity for people who are implementing digital health to meet and learn from each other. The series enables EHTEL members to place the spotlight on their own region or country, and point to ideas for new collaborations or partnerships.

Nessa Barry introduced the two speakers, Barbara Mills and David Lowe

⚜️ The webinar's detailed report and video are available for EHTEL members only.

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