Label2Enable is a European Union-funded project. Its aim, ultimately, is for a digital single market in which quality health apps are used at scale in prevention, health care, and self-care. Its task is to promote the adoption of the CEN/ISO standard, CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2, and a quality label for health and wellness apps. The project consists of three pillars: Trust, Use and Adoption.
Two surveys - one for patients, another for healthcare professionals
To support this work, the Label2Enable project has run two surveys. A survey for European patients, informal caregivers, and citizens was launched in December 2022. Its 11 questions ask respondents about their preferences and needs in choosing and using health apps in Europe. They evaluated what conditions are needed to generate trust and adherence among users. The survey was available in 26 languages, and was addressed to a lay audience.
European patients, informal caregivers, and citizens were warmly invited to complete the survey, and to share it with family members and friends.
In late January 2023, Label2Enable also launched a survey directed at a wide variety of healthcare professionals. The survey is open to people in a wide range of healthcare professions and occupations. It takes just 10-15 minutes to complete.
Take action and respond now!
Other useful information
Label2Enable has recently developed a paper on its response/approach to the European Health Data Space. Its main points include:
- Extend the definition of wellness apps to include all apps marketed as health and wellness apps.
- Go beyond interoperability and label quality.
- Reference a suitable quality labelling scheme.
Label2Enable also indicates that Norway is the first country to have launched an evaluation framework based on a CEN standard which is under development.
If Label2Enable’s focus on mobile/digital applications interests you, you may also wish to follow developments in both the DigitalHealthUptake project and the mHealthHub, with its focus on the scaling-up of digital health-related solutions in Europe.